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Info about Schools -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Campus ยป Schools

There are two schools located inside the campus.

  • Kendriya Vidyalaya IIT
  • Vanavani Matriculation Higher Secondary School


Kendriya Vidyalaya IIT follows the syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and comes under the purview of the Central Government of India. The school admits students for Std I to XII.

Vanavani Matriculation Higher Secondary School is run by the IIT Campus Educational Trust (CET) and follows the Matriculation syllabus of the Tamil Nadu State Government. The school admits students for Std I to XII. It also has a primary school for LKG & UKG and a newly built 'Creche'.



Kendriya Vidyalaya IIT
+91 (44) 2257 9411 (Office)
+91 (44) 2257 9410 (Principal)

Vanavani Matriculation Higher Secondary School
+91 (44) 2257 9416 (Office)
+91 (44) 2257 9415 (Principal)