Smt.Ratnprbhadevi Patil College, Bawada engage itself in an extensive community servicethrough education and development of the students. It believes in the internalcore values which leads us towards the excellence in the higher education.
�Support the mission and visionstatement of the college
� Bound to share knowledge.
� Concentrate the rural input of thestudents and their needs.
� Create new programmes and servicesto support the identified needs.
� Persistent evaluation of thepolicies.
� Caters the students and stakeholdersneeds.
� Ensures the quality Education.
� Organise the quality programmes.
� Need based education.
� Satisfy students and stakeholdersexpectations.
� Inspire collaborations and MOU’s.
� Encourage students for innovation,creativity.
� Maintains unity among students,stakeholders, and staff.
�Fosters social equality.
�Decision making through democraticprinciples.
�Maintains the dignity of thestudents, staff, and stakeholders.
�They includes in decisions.
�Promote the respect throughprofessional ethics.
�Believes in the social justice andfair treatment.
�Offers awards and rewards tostudents and the staff.
�Creates opportunities to learn lifeskills.
� Exposure of knowledge in theclassrooms and outside the classrooms.
� Believes in the use of recent ICTfacilities in teaching.
� Faith in live experience learning.
� Ensures fair and equal access for all.
� Inculcating desirable valueeducation among students.
� Implementing national Social serviceamong students.
� Emphasised appropriate learningexperiences and opportunities.
�Adopting ICT-enabled administrativeprocesses.
�Responding and contributing towardsnational development.
Code of conduct for students (undertaking is sought by students and the parents at thetime of admission)
1. Throughout the academic year, students must attend allclasses.
2. Minimum 75% attendance for lectures and practical’s iscompulsory.
3. Students will not be allowed to appear for universityExamination if attendance falls below 75%.
4. All students must carry their identity cards in thecampus.
5. Ragging is strictly legally prohibited. If found guiltyof ragging , he/she will be liable for strict disciplinary action.
6. Drugs, alcohols and smoking is strictly prohibited in thecampus.
7. All students must maintain discipline in the collegecampus.
8. All students are bound to use assets of the collegecarefully and properly.
Code of conduct for Teachers:
1. Teacher should maintain absolute integrity.
2 Teacher must show devotion to his profession.
3. Teaching plan of the allotted subjects should be preparedby the Teacher.
4. Teacher should maintain ‘diary’ and ‘Roll CallRegister”
5. The teacher must utilize the full 50 minutes time of thelectures in the class.
6. The teacher must solve the doubts and questions from thestudents.
7. The every Teacher should give freedom to the students to participatein any curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular, extension activities in oroutside the campus.
Code of conduct for Non-teachingstaff-
1. Peons should ensure cleanliness of respective classrooms, staff rooms, laboratories.
2. Lab attendants should ensure the cleanliness and keepready the respective laboratory for the practical.
3. The administrative staff should ensure the smoothfunctioning of the student’s admission, examination issues and college/institution administration.
Code of conduct for the Principal-
1. The principal should take all necessary disciplinaryactions as and when required to maintain the discipline in the college.
2. The principal should encourage faculty members to updatetheir knowledge by attending seminars/ Workshops/ conferences.
3.The principal should encourage faculty members to publishtext books, research papers in reputed national / International / Journals /conferences.
4. The principal should function as a mediator between thecollege and the Institution/stakeholders.
Rules for Parking
1. All vehicles should be park in the parking areaprovided by the college.
2. A vehicle should be properly locked and parked.
3. Last Saturday of every month will be No VehicleDay
Examinations Rules
1. Student must appear for all Internal as well asUniversity examination.
2. Student must read the timetable of examinationdisplayed on notice board carefully and check regularly the changes made intimetable if any.
3. Student must be present in the examination hall20 minutes before the start of examination.
4. Student cannot enter an examination hall morethan half an hour after the start of examination.
5. Students are not allowed to carry any kind ofstudy material, mobile phone with them during exam.
6. The student should obey the instructions given bysupervisor in the examination hall.
7. Student must not leave the class until all answerbooks are collected by the super
General Library Rules
1. Student should not enter in the Librarywithout I-Card
2. Studentmust do his/her entry in entry register
3. Bookwill be issued to each students on his/her Library card
4. TheBook Issued on the library card can be returned twice a week. The book must bereturned to the library on the given date.
5. ABook will be issued and returned on the specific days. Late returned of libraryBooks will be fined as per rules-Rs.1/day
6. Astudent must check and faulty/damage book will bring to the notice of librarian/ library Staff before borrowing any book. A book if torn partially, should bebrought to the notice of the Librarian. Otherwise the concerned student will beheld responsible for same. If a Library book is returned in damaged condition,the borrower will have to pay double value of the book. The Fine depending uponthe nature of tearing book.
7. ALibrary card or Identity Card are non transferable. Loss of Identity Cardshould be immediately informed to the Librarian in the written application. NewIdentity card Will cost Rs.100/- and for Library Card Rs.20/- each after payingfees in bank and submitting the receipt to the librarian.
8. AGentle and polite behavior with library Staff is expected from the students. Ifa student find any problem, she/he should contact to the librarian or theprincipal.
9. Pleasekeep silence in the library and reading room.
10. useof mobile phones is strictly prohibited. If anybody found guilty, strict actionwill be taken against him/her.
11. Studentsare supposed to keep their bags, personal reading material and other belongingsoutside the library. Students are advised not to keep their valuable thingsinside the bag at counter.
12. TheLibrary staffs are not responsible for the loss or damage of student'sbelongings.
13. Books/Periodicals or any other library material can be issued only after showingvalid card.
14. Booksonce issued will not be returned on the same day.
15. Nolibrary material can be issued by any person on someone else's I-Card.
16. Studentwill not be allowed to use the library during lectures hours.
17. NoLibrary material will be taken out of the library without the permission of thelibrarian.
18. Studentsare requested to keep the books / magazines or any other material used in itsrespective place.
19. Ifa book is lost, the concerned person has to replace the lost book with a newbook, as well as pay the late fee.
20. AnyLibrary materials id taken out of the library for photocopying will have to bereturned within an hour, Necessary action will be taken against the usersfailing to do so.
21. Library Instructions drawn from time totime should be followed seriously Library rules may be amended time to time asper requirement.
1. Accessto the Internet is privilege, not a right.
2. Keepsilence in Lab
3. Studentshould enter the log-in and log-out time in the log note book without fail
4. Studentmust produce Identity card when demanded, to utilize the lab resources.
5. Footwearis not allowed inside the lab
6. Studentsare not allowed to download pictures, music, video or other files without thepermission of a staff.
7. Loginwith your username and password for your use only, never share your usernameand password
8. Foodor beverages are not allowed inside the computer laboratory.
9. Donot install software without permission
10. Donot remove or disconnect parts, cables or labels.
11. Usageof storage devices (CD,DVD, Pen Drive, External Hard Disk, etc) is subject topermission of concerned Teachers.
12. Websiteincludes chat rooms, Instant Messaging(IM), social and adult site are strictlyprohibited.
13. Internet/Intranetgaming activities are prohibited.
14. Donot personalize the computer setting.(This includes Desktop, Screen Saver etc).
15. AskPermission to print
16.Log-off leaves the computer ready forthe next person to use. Collect belongings before leaving the laboratory.
1. The College works from 7:30 am to 4:30pm for the purpose of attendance, all working days will be considered as fullworking days respective of the number of hours, absence during one hour eitherfrom the forenoon or the afternoon session will be considered half a day ofabsence late comes not be given attendance.
2. Semestercertificates of attendance and progress required for admission to universityexamination as well as promotion shall not be given unless the applicant hasattended at least.
3. 75%of the working days of the semester and the Principal is satisfied with thestudents progress and conduct.
4. Applicantfor longer periods of absence must be made to the principal. Application forsick leave for more than three days should be supported by a medicalcertificate. The certificate should be submitted immediately after thetreatment. Certificate delayed and dubious will be summarily rejected.
5. Absence without leave is punishable.
6. Absencefor ten consecutive working days will result in the removal of the name fromthe rolls.
7. Dutyleave for participating in Arts/Sports events will be granted only to studentsrepresenting the college of the university in various competitions. In suchcases, leave applications should be submitted to the principal in advance andit should be recommended by the teacher in charge.
1. Students are responsible for maintainingtheir laboratory in a clean, tidy and safe condition.
2. Whenyou leave the department, you are responsible for the safe disposal of all ofused chemicals, solvents, cultures etc.
3. Foodor beverages must not be consumed in laboratories or stored in laboratoryrefrigerators or freezers.
4. Eating,drinking, smoking handling contact lenses or applying cosmetics is notpermitted in the laboratories.
5. Washyour hands after handling chemical materials.
6. All procedures are to be performedcarefully to minimize the creation of splashes or aerosols